The National Shoot Boxe and Self-Defense Committee supervised and in coordination with the State Committee of Burj Bo State Arreij, for organizing a sports event in the form of a national technical training (technical plus arbitration) programmed for the benefit of national Shoot Boxe athletes. The event was programmed in two days (two parts). The first day was related to arbitration and competitions. A mini-internal competition was programmed to prepare for the national championship for the next season. This competition was known for a great enthusiastic atmosphere among the competitors, which we noticed in the good performance of the fighters in the duels. After the end of the competition, certificates and medals were handed over to the winners amid the joy and happiness of everyone. In the end, the head of the National Shootboxe and Self-Defense Committee, Mr. Kouache Noureddine, presented a concluding sentence, in which he thanked everyone and urged them to continue and exert more efforts in order to raise the level, and thus shine nationally and internationally. Thank you to the National Shootboxe and Self-Defense Committee, Algeria.