CONGOUn stage technique organisé par ISF-CONGO.
Un stage technique organisé par ISF-CONGO.
The South America event of the year is coming in Sao Paolo of Brazil. For all information contact Mr. Lincoln Dos Santos, ISF representative in Brazil.
The 2023 ISF World Championship has been scheduled! It will take place on 26/27/28/29 october within the great "Festival of East" held, like every year, the Marina di Carrara Fair, on the Tyrrhenian Sea. In the same place, we will have the " Open World Cup". Of course, only the official ISF Teams will […]
Good evening dear all, I come to inform you that the Congo Shoot Boxing Championship will take place on August 17, 2024 at the Nicole OBA Gymnasium in Brazzaville.
CONVOCATION Les membres de l'Assemblée Générale de la Fédération Congolaise de Savate Boxe Française, Shoot Boxe et Disciplines Associées sont convoqués le dimanche 15 septembre 2024 à 11h précises au gymnase Henri ELENDE à Brazzaville.
Titolo mondiale ISF Kg. 56,70 Shoot Boxe MUDASER OMARI VS LAABIDI BECHIR